YouTube is currently where your podcast and performance content lives, and this is a great place for it!
A main area of YouTube that should be taken more advantage of is your description area. Try to engage the audience as if you’re speaking to someone directly, rather than just a general description and hope someone takes action.
Here is a template that you can use to test out a stronger call to action on these videos:
“In this video, you’re going to see (explain what will be in the video). Visit our website to (get them to do something there such as sign up for an upcoming performance)
During this podcast episode we’ll be covering:
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
(however many points there are, just list out quickly what you're going to touch on)
DON'T FORGET! Visit our website to (get them to do something there and list the URL)”
Similarly for your live videos of performances, go back into your description and encourage a call to action in them that sends people back to the CityMusic website to possibly sign up for a future performance, or to subscribe to the channel to get notified when another performance will be going live.
YouTube is about consistency
While you don’t need to be publishing daily to YouTube, this absolutely is an area that gains more traction over time by consistency. When you don’t have ongoing performances happening or during the off-season, you will still want to consider keeping up your Podcast on a regular basis. This could include content around:
Teasers on what is happening next season
Interviews with musicians, composers, or conductors from the previous season to get their thoughts on specific performances
Educational or historical lessons on music you performed or the composers that wrote the pieces
Platform to use to schedule YouTube content
YouTube Studio does a great job of allowing you to edit and schedule content ahead of time, directly on the platform itself.
Analytics to Track on YouTube
Watch Time
Audience Retention
Click Through Rates
Subscribe Growth
Traffic Sources