Other Marketing Ideas

Intimate and exclusive performances with just a few musicians

CityMusic already does an excellent job of tapping into a variety of venues to bring the performing arts into many different areas of the community. However, with the slow rollout of in-person events taking potentially up to a few years to reach their full potential, you may want to consider the idea of exclusive, small, and intimate events as ‘pop-up’ experience with trios or quartets within the CityMusic roster of musicians.

Smaller events allow you to bring music to areas that may have no otherwise had traditional performing arts experiences (restaurants, bars, studios and lofts, local art galleries, etc. ). And by limiting your tickets to 20-30 guests and creating urgency around a limited availability, you can create more buzz for CityMusic and keep patrons paying closer attention to announcements in order to participate in these experiences. 

Tap into local influencers who can help push your content further

It would be wise to look within your city to see who has notoriety on social media. Who has a steady following on a variety of platforms, who has a high engagement of comments and participants on their platforms, and who would be interested in partnering with CityMusic to help you reach new audiences. Consider hosting ticket giveaways with these influencers, inviting them to performances in exchange for them promoting these experiences on their platforms, and finding ways that you can also support their ventures to keep these relationships fresh and exciting.

Consumers buy or participate with those they ‘know, like, and trust’. This is why word-of-mouth marketing or referral marketing is so powerful. When someone that we already know, like, and trust tells us about something new, we immediately want to know everything about this new thing they’re promoting. If they like it, we should too!

Never underestimate the power of someone who can ‘share’ your content on your behalf. This is the digital version of word-of-mouth marketing and can create incredible results so quickly!

Paid digital advertising

While this resource document covers the organic marketing ideas that can help you promote CityMusic, paid advertising such on social media, Google, or other digital mediums are always a viable option. One word of caution would be to tap into a paid advertising expert who specializes in paid ads for those specific areas, rather than just trying to walk through the systems that social media or Google presents to you. While it may appear easy to follow and publish an ad with just a few clicks, these quick tactics tend to have less reach and outcomes for your advertising budget, as opposed to someone who is more skilled with audiences, keywords, and content distribution.


Content Creation Schedule


Takeaways & Next Steps